What Are Cosmetic Surgery Claims

Facial Surgery Injury Compensation Claims

If you’ve experienced facial surgery negligence, disfigurement or injury as a result of a cosmetic procedure, you could be entitled to make a facial surgery injury compensation claim.

Cosmetic surgery and facial surgery injury are popular treatments to enhance appearance and boost self-esteem. However, when they go wrong they can cause significant damage.

You may not be aware, but even the slightest facial surgery negligence or injury can make you eligible for cosmetic surgery compensation. Negligent cosmetic surgery can severely impact your life, leaving you with permanent disfigurement, or physical and emotional pain.

If the results of your cosmetic procedure have left you in this situation, you have a right to seek justice and get the compensation you deserve.

Please contact us for an initial consultation on 0161 768 3174 and find out if you’re entitled to a cosmetic surgery compensation claim. 

PR Scully & Co act on a ‘no win no fee’ basis for almost all clients when recovering compensation on your behalf for a cosmetic procedure that’s gone wrong.

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What is cosmetic surgery negligence?

Cosmetic surgery negligence is the failure of a healthcare provider to provide a reasonable standard of care to a patient during the course of cosmetic surgery. It can be the result of an incorrect diagnosis, improper treatment or lack of informed consent.

A facial surgery injury compensation claim can relate to these cosmetic procedures:

  • Plastic surgery
  • Eyelid surgery
  • Nose surgery
  • Ear surgery
  • Rhinoplasty procedure
  • Corrective surgery and corrective treatment
  • Cosmetic dentistry

Negligence from these kinds of cosmetic procedures can lead to serious medical complications and disfigurement. You may be entitled to a medical negligence claim for some non-surgical cosmetic treatments, so contact us to find out if you can claim compensation from beauty therapists or beauty salons.

It is important for patients to understand their rights and seek legal advice if they believe that they have been subjected to cosmetic surgery negligence and want to claim compensation.

Claim cosmetic surgery negligence compensation – Contact Us.

Who can make cosmetic surgery claims?

You may be entitled to make a cosmetic surgery claim if you have suffered from complications as a result of negligent cosmetic or plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery compensation claims apply to patients who have undergone facial surgery procedures such as eyelid surgery, nose surgery, ear surgery and other plastic surgery procedures.

If you believe you are entitled to cosmetic surgery negligence compensation, contact us at your earliest convenience and we’ll advise you on how best to claim compensation.

Cosmetic surgery claims: Contact us

How to make a cosmetic surgery claim for compensation

Facelift or Rhytidectomy is a procedure in which the excess skin or loose skin is tightened around the jaw, neck or mouth to give a tighter, smoother and more youthful appearance.

The risks associated with face or neck lifts are:

  • Bleeding – may result in further surgery to stop bleeding and remove blood clots
  • Swelling
  • Nerve damage
  • Uneven appearance

If you have had complications following a face or neck lift, you may be entitled to claim cosmetic surgery compensation. Our all-female team of solicitors will be able to help you throughout your claim. You can rest assured you’ll have a specialist cosmetic surgery solicitor guiding you through every step of the cosmetic surgery claims process.

Get in touch about cosmetic surgery claims: Contact us

What can I claim compensation for?

As well as claiming for any physical pain, suffering and inconvenience, you may be able to claim back additional costs linked to the impact of the negligent surgical procedure, such as:

Corrective surgery – if you have to have your surgery corrected, the additional cost for corrective treatments and remedial treatment could form part of the claim against the surgeon or company that carried out the original operation.

Loss of income – if you need to take additional days off work or you are unable to go back to work due to the negligence of the surgeon or company carrying out the procedure, your financial losses will form part of your claim.

All surgery procedures come with associated risks, yet if the cosmetic surgeon or medical professional was negligent and this negligence caused injury or suffering unnecessarily, you may be able to claim cosmetic surgery negligence.

Get in touch today to discuss how much compensation you may be entitled to with your facial surgery compensation claim. Contact us

How will I pay for claiming compensation?

Because we understand that our clients may not be able to pay all the legal fees for facial surgery injury compensation claims up front, we give clients the option of a conditional fee agreement or working on a ‘no win no fee’ agreement.

No win no fee cosmetic surgery claims mean that we will do all the necessary work on negligent cosmetic surgery claims and will only be paid if the case is successful. Sometimes, that means that we will do a lot of work towards a medical negligence settlement, but do not end up being paid with the no win no fee approach.

If we do win the claim but cannot recover all our fees, we ask clients to pay for some of our fees from their compensation. Some firms call this a success fee.

If you want to claim compensation, contact us via our website or ring us on 0161 768 3174.

Trusted medical negligence solicitors

Book a call back with us to discuss your cosmetic surgery claim in more detail and how likely you are to secure compensation.

At PR Scully Solicitors, we specialise in personal injury claims, including ones caused as a result of negligent treatment or cosmetic surgery treatment that’s gone wrong.

Get in touch with us today to start your cosmetic surgery claim with our trusted and supportive legal team. We can advise what are the time limits for cosmetic surgery negligence claims and how much you can expect from successful compensation claims.

We can also discuss other cosmetic surgery claims such as tummy tuck claims, claims from breast augmentation, and compensation for treatments by a beauty therapist.

Contact Us today.

How much is my cosmetic surgery compensation claim worth?

The amount that may be paid out with a cosmetic surgery claim will vary depending on the cause of the injury, how much the injury has impacted your life, and the financial losses caused.

As a specialist personal injury solicitor with years of experience in negligence and cosmetic surgery claims, we can advise you about lawsuit settlement if you decide to make a claim using us as our personal injury lawyers.

Accessing your relevant medical records and a medical assessment may be part of your cosmetic surgery claims process once you decide to proceed.

Do you need a personal injury solicitor to make a cosmetic surgery negligence claim? Call us on 0161 768 3174 if you’ve had a cosmetic surgery procedure that’s gone wrong.

Start your cosmetic surgery negligence claim

Our team of experts can help with all types of surgery compensation claims from eyelid surgery claims to chemical peel claims. We’ll begin with an initial consultation and talk you through the cosmetic surgery claims process so you know exactly what to expect.

In order to make a successful cosmetic surgery negligence claim, it is important that you understand your rights and what evidence is required for your case to be successful.

We understand this cosmetic surgery negligence is severely distressing, so we want to make cosmetic surgery compensation claims as smooth as possible. You can start the process to claim facial surgery compensation today, by contacting our team of experienced solicitors for an initial consultation.

CONTACT US via our website or call our team on 0161 768 3174 to find out more about cosmetic surgery claims.

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