laser treatment compensation claims

Laser Treatment Compensation Claims

Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic treatment, using intense pulsed light from lasers to remove hair and slow hair growth. However, there are risks involved and potential adverse side effects with any cosmetic treatment, including laser hair removal. If things go wrong, laser treatment compensation claims can help patients recover from financial losses and physical and psychological effects.

PR Scully are personal injury solicitors with years of experience in medical negligence claims – as well as compensation claims for plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments at private clinics and beauty salons.

We can help with hair removal compensation claims and any claims related to laser hair removal and laser treatments. If you’ve experienced laser hair removal burn injuries, scarring or other injury from your hair removal, then please get in touch.

Phone us today about your laser hair removal negligence claim on 0161 768 3174 or contact us via our website.

Can I claim for laser hair removal treatment?

When you have laser hair removal, the practitioner has a duty of care to patients. You should be advised of all the potential risks involved and the skin reaction that people can have to laser hair removal procedures. If you have not been properly advised, you may have a claim for laser hair removal compensation.

Additionally, the laser hair removal procedure should be properly followed. If you experience injury like laser burns as a result of laser treatments, you may be able to claim compensation.

Faulty laser equipment can also lead to laser burns, scarring, and laser hair removal blisters. You can make a compensation claim if defective laser hair removal equipment has caused you personal injury.

If you have suffered laser burns, physical pain, permanent scarring or several superficial scars, you may also be left with psychological damage, and financial losses. Your compensation claim may include these aspects and they can impact how much compensation you receive.

Laser hair removal compensation: contact us via our website or call 0161 768 3174.

What happens during laser hair removal?

With today’s busy lifestyles, many people are opting to have laser hair removal treatment to eliminate the need to shave and wax on a regular basis.

Laser hair removal works by a pulsing laser light targeting the root of the hair and down the melanin content. The high temperature of the light damages the hair follicle and reduces the chances of further hair regrowth.

After laser hair removal treatments, the hair should shed within one to three weeks. However, if the hair was not caught in the correct phase of growth it will regrow and will therefore need to be treated further. This is why it will take multiple sessions.

Risks involved with laser hair removal

While laser hair removal is generally considered safe and effective, there are some potential risks and side effects associated with laser hair removal. Here are some things that can go wrong with laser hair removal, which you may be able to claim compensation for:

Laser burns and laser blisters

If the laser energy is too intense or the treatment area is not properly prepared, it can result in laser hair removal burns or blisters. This risk is higher when the procedure is performed by an inexperienced technician or with inappropriate equipment. Laser hair removal burns are some of the most common laser treatment injuries.

Get in touch about a claim for laser hair removal burns – ring 0161 768 3174 or CONTACT US.

Laser hair removal scars

Although rare, laser hair removal can cause scarring, particularly if the treated area becomes infected or is not properly cared for during the healing process.

Skin reaction after laser hair removal

Allergic reaction: In rare cases, individuals may develop an allergic reaction to the numbing cream or cooling gel used during the procedure. A patch test should be performed if you have known cosmetic allergies as part of the practitioner’s duty of care to patients and clients.

Skin irritation: Temporary redness, swelling, and itching are common after laser hair removal. These side effects usually subside within a few hours or days, but if they do not you may have a claim for laser hair removal negligence.

Skin pigmentation changes: Laser hair removal can cause temporary or permanent changes in skin colour. Darkening or lightening of the treated area may occur, particularly in people with darker skin tones. This risk can be minimised by selecting the appropriate laser settings for your skin type. If you experience long-lasting pigmentation change, you may have a claim for laser hair removal compensation.

Contact us about laser removal compensation claims – ring 0161 768 3174 or CLICK HERE.

Eye injury from laser hair removal

Laser devices emit intense light that can harm the eyes, potentially causing vision problems or even blindness. Failure to wear protective eyewear during the laser hair removal procedure can lead to eye damage and you may have a laser hair removal compensation claim against the medical professional if this happens.

Hair regrowth or incomplete results

Some people may experience hair regrowth after laser hair removal, especially if they have hormonal imbalances or underlying medical conditions. Additionally, the laser hair removal procedure may not completely remove all hair, requiring additional laser hair removal sessions or alternative hair removal methods.

Typical laser hair removal side effects

Laser Hair removal is not completely painless and can be described as a sensation similar to having an elastic band flicked on the area being treated. The physical pain however should never be severe or prolonged. If it is, you should consider contacting a personal injury solicitor like PR Scully to discuss making a compensation claim.

Some laser hair removal is done in specialist clinics. However more beauty salons and tanning salons are starting to offer the procedure, and this can be riskier than being treated by a medical professional.

Many people who have laser hair removal treatment suffer from mild side effects like the ones below. Such side effects should however only last for 2 to 3 days. If they persist, please contact us to find out more about laser hair removal claims.

  • Itching skin
  • Pink skin
  • Redness of and surrounding the treated area
  • Swelling around the treatment area

More serious laser hair removal side effects include:

  • Acne
  • Permanent skin discolouration.
  • Laser hair removal blisters
  • Scarring

If you have had complications after laser hair removal that may put the company or practitioner at fault for negligence then you may be entitled to claim for compensation.

Trusted solicitors for laser hair removal claims

Book a call back with us to discuss your laser hair removal claim in more detail and how likely you are to secure compensation.

At PR Scully Solicitors, we specialise in personal injury claims, including ones caused as a result of negligent treatment or hair removal treatment that’s gone wrong. This includes hair removal burn compensation, medical negligence, cosmetic disability, severe scarring, and even severe psychiatric damage.

Get in touch with us today using the contact details below to start your laser hair removal negligence claim with our team. We’ll be happy to advise you about your hair removal claim and how much compensation you could win.

Contact us about your laser hair removal claim – ring 0161 768 3174 or CLICK HERE.

‘No win no fee’ laser hair removal claims

Because we understand that our clients may not be able to pay all the legal fees for laser hair removal claims up front, we give clients the option of a conditional fee agreement or working on a ‘no win no fee’ agreement.

No win no fee laser treatment claims means that we will do all the necessary work on your hair removal injury claim and will only be paid if the case is successful. Sometimes, that means that we will do a lot of work towards a personal injury claim, but do not end up being paid with the no win no fee approach.

If we do win the laser hair removal claim but cannot recover all our fees, we ask clients to pay for some of our fees from their compensation. Some firms call this a success fee.

If you want to claim compensation for laser hair removal negligence, contact us via our website or ring us on 0161 768 3174.

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