Have you been involved in a road traffic accident? P R Scully & Co are personal injury and road traffic accident solicitors with 20 years experience of in dealing with road traffic accident claims. We act for nearly all of our clients on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, recovering compensation on their behalf without them having to pay legal costs upfront.
If you have been involved in a road accident, you can contact us for an initial consultation and we will be able to advise you whether we think your road traffic accident claim is likely to succeed. Once you have spoken to us, you can then decide whether you would like to go ahead and claim compensation.
We can also advise you about medical costs, vehicle repairs, whiplash injury claims and other personal injury claims related to your accident. Traffic accidents can result in serious injuries or minor injuries. They may involve reckless driving, an uninsured driver or vulnerable road users.
Road accident claim? Contact us via our website or ring us on 0161 768 3175 to find out how to claim compensation.
Big and small road traffic accident claims
As specialist personal injury and road traffic accident solicitors, we’ve dealt with the vast majority of different traffic accidents. We can advise you on the legal process for claiming compensation and deal with your insurance company and the other party’s insurance company. And we can start court proceedings when the amount of compensation you’ve been offered by an insurer is too low.
Whether you’ve suffered minor injuries or serious injuries as a result of your road traffic accident, you need an expert on your side – even when the person who caused the accident admits liability. Get in touch with our legal team today.
Contact us or call 0161 768 3175 today.
What’s involved in road accident claims?
Road traffic accident claims in the UK are typically related to personal injury claims resulting from accidents involving vehicles on the road. If you have sustained injuries or suffered damage to your vehicle due to a road traffic accident caused by someone else’s negligence or fault, you may be eligible to make a claim for compensation.
Injuries sustained as a result of your road traffic accident will be assessed by a doctor to gather medical evidence as part of the compensation claims process. Major and minor fractures, crush injury, whiplash injury, soft tissue injuries are just some of the injuries that can be sustained in even a small road traffic accident.
Have you got a road traffic accident claim? Call us today on 0161 768 3175.
Claiming compensation for a road traffic accident
P R Scully & Co are experts at personal injury claims and road traffic accident claims. We have experience supporting clients when they make a personal injury claim, which can be a difficult time in people’s lives.
Road traffic accident compensation can encompass many things:
- Personal injury compensation
- Motor car accident damage
- Financial losses as a result of your road traffic accident
- Medical treatment
We are experts at successfully pursuing road traffic accident claims and can advise you on the claims process and what you can expect in compensation. We can help you understand what medical treatment you are entitled to as an injured person. Our road accident claims team can help secure early compensation payments if you are unable to work as a result of your road traffic accident injuries.
Contact us today to discuss your road traffic accident claim: Contact us via our website or ring us on 0161 768 3175.
Who deals with damage to my car in a road traffic accident claim?
Even if your insurance is fully comprehensive, you do not have to claim against your own insurance policy if you would rather not, as it is likely to increase your motor insurance premiums.
If it is clear that the accident was not your fault, we can arrange for an engineer to inspect your car and assess how much the repair cost is going to be.
How will I pay for my road accident compensation claim?
At PR Scully we understand that our clients may not be able to pay legal fees and upfront costs for road accident claims. We give clients the option of a conditional fee agreement or working on a ‘no win no fee’ agreement for the compensation claim.
A ‘no win no fee’ compensation claim means that we will do all the necessary work to make a road traffic compensation claim and will only be paid if the case is successful. This reduces your financial risk when you try to recover compensation following a road traffic accident. Sometimes, that means that we will do a lot of work towards a traffic accident claim, but do not end up being paid with the no win no fee approach.
If we do win the traffic accident claim but cannot recover all our legal costs, we ask clients to pay for some of our fees from their traffic accident compensation. Some firms call this a success fee.
Get in touch with us today to discuss ‘no win no fee’ road traffic accident compensation claims. Contact us via our website or ring us on 0161 768 3175.
How will my road traffic accident injuries be assessed?
We will arrange for you to be seen by a doctor who will ask you questions about the physical injuries that you suffered as a result of the road traffic accident. Before you meet the doctor, it would be a good idea to think about the ways in which your life has been affected by the road accident injuries.
Once they have met with you, the doctor will then prepare a report and will predict, as accurately as possible, how long they think it is likely to be until your injuries sustained in the road traffic accident have healed completely. If you have suffered from a soft tissue injury to your neck or back (more commonly known as a ‘whiplash’ injury), the doctor will say how many months they think it will be before you make a complete recovery from your injuries. The doctor may also recommend treatment, such as physiotherapy.
Get in touch with road traffic accident compensation lawyers PR Scully today: Call 0161 768 3175.
Can I claim compensation if I cannot work?
We understand how difficult it will be if you are losing income as a result of being injured in a road traffic accident, but you still have bills to pay. If liability is not disputed, we will ask the fault insurers to make an interim payment to cover your lost earnings while you are off work.
We will need copies of your wage slips or written confirmation from your employers detailing how much you would normally earn.
If you are self-employed, the fault insurers are likely to ask for copies of your accounts or tax returns before they will agree to release payment. We can discuss this with you in more detail if necessary, and advise on early compensation payments.
Personal injury legal services: Find out if you have a compensation claim and how the claims process works. Call 0161 768 3175.
What if my car is written off in a road accident?
Even if your motor insurance is fully comprehensive, you are not under an obligation to claim against your policy. If your car has been very badly damaged and is likely to be written off, we will arrange for your car to be inspected by an independent engineer.
The engineer will place a value on the car and, as long as you are happy with the engineer’s valuation, we will forward a copy of the engineer’s report to the fault insurer and ask them to make payment. We can arrange a hire car while your car is off the road. Once the payment for the write-off value of your car has been received and you return the hire car, we will then recover the hire account on your behalf.
What happens to my car if it has been written off?
When a car has been written off in a traffic accident, the engineer assesses a salvage value. The amount that you will receive from the fault insurer will be the market value, less the salvage value. As an example, if your car is valued at £5,000 and the salvage value of the car is £500, you will receive £4,500.
Who arranges a hire car after traffic accidents?
We can arrange for you to have a replacement hire car while your car is off the road after the accident occurred. Once the repairs have been completed to your satisfaction, we will recover the cost of repair and the cost of hiring a car from the fault insurers.
What happens if I need medical treatment, but cannot afford to pay for it?
If we are satisfied that the traffic accident was not your fault, we can arrange for you to have physiotherapy carried out and we will recover the physiotherapy costs from the fault insurer. All the upfront costs are taken care of.
How much compensation will I receive for my injuries?
Your personal injury claim compensation will vary depending on the nature of the injury sustained, how long it will last, and how much impact it has had on your life.
We will be able to advise you in advance how much road traffic accident compensation we think you should receive. Our legal team knows from experience what you are likely to receive in the vast majority of cases.
Once we have the medical report through from the doctor that examined you, as long as you are happy with the report, we will let the fault insurers have a copy and ask them to make an offer for compensation.
If the amount of compensation that is offered is too low and we do not consider it fair compensation, we will advise you whether we think court proceedings should be issued.
Claim compensation for road traffic accidents with PR Scully
Book a call back with us to discuss your road traffic accident compensation claim in more detail and how likely you are to secure compensation.
At PR Scully Solicitors, we specialise in personal injury claims, including those caused by road traffic accidents and other motor-related incidents. We are one of the leading personal injury law firms, based in Manchester, with a proven track record of recovering compensation for road traffic accidents, workplace accidents, medical negligence claims, small claims personal injury, and other personal injury claims.
Get in touch with us today using the contact details below to claim compensation. We can advise you about the claim process, and how much compensation you could win as an injured person.
We can support and guide you through every aspect of the claim process – from reporting the accident at the police station to whiplash law, the road traffic act, and national accident law. There is no tailor-made claim process, every client and case is individual. We’ll be with you from start to finish to help you claim compensation.
Contact us about your compensation claim – ring 0161 768 3174 or CLICK HERE.
Related links if you’ve experienced a road traffic accident:
Motor Insurers Bureau – click here
Gov.uk: New ways of reporting road accidents to the police – click here
Our Services
- Road Traffic Accident Claims
- Fatal injury compensation claims
- Amputation Compensation Claims
- Brain injury compensation claims
- Serious Injury Compensation Claims
- Housing disrepair compensation claims
- Pedestrian Accident Claims
- Accident At Work Claims
- Cosmetic Surgery Compensation Claims
- Motorcycle Accident Compensation Claims
- Bicycle Accident Compensation Claims
- Public Liability Claims
- Tenancy Deposit Claims
- Medical Negligence Claims
How can we help?
Contact our Accident Claim Solicitors